Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thank You Notes

We are so thankful to already receive gifts for the baby!  Books, mittens, toys and now Clemson socks (thanks Christie) theses are just a few of the adorable items we have received. Now that we are half way to the due date, being proactive is key.  One thing that I want to cross off my list are thank you notes.  I'm trying to order something cute, unique and inexpensive in bulk.  I want to decide soon-ish so I can start writing!

I've decided to go with a postcard version of a thank you note...the hard part is picking a design! Also, if I choose to order them now, I have to stick with a gender neutral look.

Here are some of my options:
  • I do love this printable note....could be a more economical option to just pay for printing?  I will have to price that out
  • Another cute option 
  • For the tandem bike lover...which I am
  • Possibly my favorite


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