Monday, March 16, 2015

Meet Knox

Hey everyone, meet Knox Newman!

Knox Downey was born on March 12th, at 2:19am and weighed in at 7.4 lbs with a height of 20.5 inches.  Still can't fully report on the hair color, it looks to be a golden maybe that will translate to a strawberry blonde???  Knox is healthy and happy to be at home.  Sorry all the pictures are a bit fuzzy...not easy to take pictures with one hand while holding a baby!

Now a word from Knox...

Hi, I'm Knox and I'm 5 days old.  Not much has happened in my first five days of life.  We were in the hospital for a few days and then came home to a house where I will be living.  The best part about coming home was meeting my brothers Cash and Boone.  They are so KEWL.  Sometimes they lick me in the face or on my hands, but mostly they just sniff me....I guess I smell good?  During the day i get to hang out with mom and dad.  Dad likes to read to me and mom and I have been watching a lot of shows that have food on it- but she has yet to make me something that I have seen on TV.  My hobbies are eating, sleeping, making funny noises and chewing on my hands.  I guess that is all to report right now.  I think I'm going to take my eighth nap for the day.


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